Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Did herpes infect humans before you were humans? No, God just used unsterilized dust to make Adam.

Greetings, mortals!  Today, June 11, 2014, researchers at the UCSD Medical School reported their "discovery" that, according the observations of which your science is capable, the HSV-1 variant of the herpes virus crossed from chimpanzees to homo erectus 1.6 million years ago, prior to the point in time at which your biologists say modern humans, homo sapiens sapiens, arose.

Now, this is a fascinating "discovery," and a brilliant illustration of the curiosity and ingenuity with which humanity cursed itself when Eve defied God's command and ate of the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.  But did the HSV-1 virus really cross from chimpanzees to homo erectus millions of years ago?

Of course not.  As you know, the Earth didn't even exist 1.6 million years ago.  Nothing did.  God didn't create time and space -- let alone the Earth! -- till 5,700 years ago.  So what really happened?

It's simple.  As the inerrant Bible tells us, God created Adam from the dust of the Earth.  See Genesis 2:7.  While HSV-1, unlike pseudorabies, typically cannot survive in soil, it can persist for up to 24 hours at a time in pure water.  And back then, the ground was pretty much covered in a fine mist of ultra-pure water all the time.  See Genesis 2:6.  So the dirt from which you were formed happened to contain viable HSV-1 virus.  Herpes was thus "baked in" to humanity.

Now, this wouldn't have been a problem if Adam & Eve hadn't defied God and eaten the forbidden fruit.  A number of the fruits in Eden contain powerful interferons that would have disrupted the virus's reproduction in your cells and led to its eventual elimination.  But they did, and so here you are, sporting cold sores.

Of course, we come to the question: Why does our rigorously pursued, well-researched evidence suggest that the virus transfer occurred 1.6 million years ago?  Because, again, I planted all of the evidence tending to suggest that Genesis is not a true account of Creation to test your faith.  You frankly should have grasped that by now.

Thank you for reading, and as always, I welcome your comments!

Friday, June 6, 2014

Was the Moon created by an Earth impact with a planet-sized body? Nope! It was Created by God.

Greetings, mortals!  I come today to debunk a rising belief that the Moon was formed by an impact between the Earth and a smaller, but still planet-sized, body.  It was not.  It was Created by God.

First, though, what your sciences have begun to mislead you to believe: Per today's Science Daily, researchers from the European Association of Geochemistry have released the results of their work with oxygen isotopes in lunar samples.  They say their analysis supports the theory that the Moon was formed when the Earth collided with a Mars-sized body approximately 4.5 billion years ago.

The researchers compared the oxygen isotope makeup of Earth samples with lunar samples, some of which were provided by NASA from the Apollo 11, 12, and 16 missions.  As Science Daily reports, while these isotopes vary throughout the solar system, they are very closely similar between the Earth and the Moon.  If the Moon had been created by a giant impact with another planetoid (which your scientists have named Theia), however, planetary geology would predict that the isotopic makeups of the Earth and Moon would differ.

Well, according to these researchers, the isotopic makeups of the Earth and the Moon do differ.  Dr. Hewartz, the lead researcher, said:
The differences are small and difficult to detect, but they are there. This means two things; firstly we can now be reasonably sure that the Giant collision took place. Secondly, it gives us an idea of the geochemistry of Theia. Theia seems to have been similar to what we call E-type chondrites.  If this is true, we can now predict the geochemical and isotopic composition of the Moon, because the present Moon is a mixture of Theia and the early Earth. The next goal is to find out how much material of Theia is in the Moon.
Okay, so, now we get to the key issues: Can science, armed with these new findings, predict the isotopic composition of the Moon?  Can it thereby confirm the giant impact hypothesis of the Moon's formation?  The answers are "yes" and "absolutely not, cease now your vile blasphemy or face damnation!".

First, yes, science could predict the isotopic composition of the Moon.  It's somewhat different than Earth's because, of course, I imbued the Moon with isotopes consistent with an admixture of the Earth and E-type chondrites to make it appear as if the Moon was formed in a giant impact approximately 4.5 billion years ago.  Your science is expert at detecting and exploring such mundane phenomena.  And sure, you'll be able to use your present observations to advance your future observations.  You'll develop an understanding of what rigorous observation of the physical universe tells you about how the universe works, and from that, develop a plausible, well-supported theory about how the Moon was formed.

But that's as far as you'll get.  You won't learn how the Moon was formed.  Because the physical universe doesn't tell you anything about how the Moon was really Created.  The Bible does.  And does the Bible say any nonsense about "and Theia impacted the Earth approximately 4.5 billion years ago, forming the Moon?"  Of course not.  God made the Moon, and that's that, no matter what your evidence tells you.

So, in summary, abandon your misguided reliance on empirical evidence and return to faith in the Almighty.

And, please, leave your thoughts -- and your ardent wishes to return to loving communion with God! -- in the comments!

Monday, June 2, 2014

The newly-discovered "Mega-Earth"...and a reminder that only God's Earth matters.

Earlier today, astronomers announced that they have detected a rocky world 17 times the size of earth orbiting star Kepler-10.  They have deemed this planet, which they have named Kepler-10c, a "Mega-Earth."  Their theories about planetary formation did not allow for the possibility of so large a rocky planet.  Astronomers thought that all planets of this size would be gas giants, like Jupiter.  

They were, of course, wrong.  God can create any planet of any kind at any size He sees fit.  We need no model of planetary formation to tell us that.  It is my ardent hope that this discovery of a mystery of God's Creation -- one that illustrates that Man's science is and will forever be flawed and limited -- will convince these astronomers to abandon scientific inquiry and return to Faith in God Almighty.

There's one other thing I wanted to mention: As you can see in the Smithsonian Science article linked above, Dimitar Sasselov, one of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics researchers involved in the project that detected Kepler-10c, says that "Kepler-10c has positive implications for life."

Now, I don't want to take away from Professor Sasselov's work here -- he has laid bare the fact that humanity cannot grasp the full wonder of God's Creation and so should simply abandon science, accept that God's Creation is wonderful, and focus on faithfully serving Him.  But if he means that the existence of Mega-Earths like Kepler-10c suggests that there are more planets out there capable of supporting extraterrestrial life, he is flat wrong.

God created life once -- ONCE -- and He did it here on Earth.  There is no other life in the Universe.  All of the money you're funneling into astronomy, astrophysics, exobiology?  That budget increase you just awarded NASA?  It is all a waste of money.  You're chasing things that don't exist when you should be focused on using that money to establish Christianity as your global religion, build churches, and exalt God.

Now that your science has served the limited purpose of disproving itself, it's time to pack it in, okay?  No other beings will ever come down out of the sky to communicate with you.  

Well, except for Jesus.  And when that day comes, trust me: you'll be glad you accepted that scientific inquiry is heretical and returned to unquestioning faith in God.